Create templates for your video graphics with Inkscape Level up your conference talks and video templates with these Inkscape tricks.
How I automate graphics creation with Inkscape Follow along this Inkscape tutorial to create conference talk card graphics at scale.
How open source weaves connections between countries If global friendships are grown repeatedly, the world would be an immeasurably better place. Open source is an outstanding tool to make that happen.
How to make a Halloween lantern with Inkscape Use open source tools to make a spooky and fun decoration for your favorite Halloween haunt.
7 awesome new Inkscape features and how to use them Inkscape got a bunch of new capabilities with its 2017 release. Check out these great video tutorials to learn how to use them.
Openclipart: A library of public domain images In the past five years, I've contributed more than 300 clip art graphics to . There were some works I liked more than others, of course, but I believe sticking…