Steven Ovadia

425 points
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Steven Ovadia writes, which features The Linux Setup, interviews with desktop Linux users. He is an academic librarian who writes about how users interact with information in an online context for assorted Library Science journals. He is the author of Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches. You can see all of his publications at

Authored Content

How to write your book using Linux

I spent the past year writing The Librarian’s Guide to Academic Research in the Cloud , a book which focuses on using and thinking about cloud services in an academic research…

Authored Comments

That's a great point. My publisher is handling all of that stuff for me (I'm very lucky!), but it's something that needs to be considered.

Very cool! For me, ASCIIdoc wasn't much of an option. It was either that or LibreOffice. It just turned out that I loved it. But I love any project that lets us escape word processor UIs!